“Dads’ Dilemma: Asian Fathers Are in a Bind, Tugged in Opposite Directions by Responsibilities at Work and at Home. Is there a way out?”
這是Time April 16, 2007的封面報導。抱歉~沒有電子檔。不過文章不長,也沒有太難的單字,值得看看。
---- 覺得應該要將標題修改為現代「亞洲」男性,因為這篇報導所談的是亞洲男性。另外提供大致的摘要以及其中一些分析給沒時間去找原文者(還是比較建議讀原文)。 摘要: 此文主要是分析目前亞洲男性正面臨職業婦女常久來的掙扎:要如何兼顧工作與家庭?首先,作者以新加坡、日本與韓國父親作為亞洲父親的樣本,指出這些父親都對於未能平衡工作與家庭而感到愧疚。接著,作者所引用許多學術研究強調父親對小孩成長的重要性,例如,與父親疏離的小孩在同情心、推理能力與腦部發展上比那些父親較投入的小孩成績還低。而且,前者的行為較具攻擊性、無法與兄弟姊妹好好相處、在學校較不受歡迎,且不願意為自己錯誤的行為負責。進一步,作者比較五十年的父職與現代父職的差異,以及突顯目前亞洲男性面對即是多年困擾職業婦女的問題。作者試著提出解決方法,即,公司的主管若能帶頭做起,即花更多時間在照顧小孩上,底下的員工便能起而效尤。最後,作者雖是拋出問題作結“Women are doing it …. So why can’t we?” 原文的部份分析: “You have plans for your careers.… You have savings plans. You have vacation plans. But how many of you have a parenting plan?” (18) 即,有多少人為parenting做計畫? 五十年前的男性父職: “Fifty years ago, parenting was so much simpler for Asian men. As the sole breadwinner, a dad’s responsibilities typically ceased the moment he crossed the threshold of his home and flopped into his favorite chair, while mom dealt with the dinner and the children” (19). (略譯為)五十年前,對亞洲男人來說,教養小孩要容易多了。身為家中唯一的掙錢者,爸爸的責任在他跨進家門、窩到他最喜歡的椅子那刻起便結束了,而媽媽呢則得負責晚餐與小孩。 現在的男性父職: “But unlike their fathers, Asian men today face an epoch-shifting change: the entry of women into the workforce. Having two incomes has brought economic benefits to countless families, but it has left men scrambling to become the fully fledged co-parents their wives now need them to be” (19). 然而,不像他們的父親,現在的亞洲男性面對時代轉換的改變:女性進入勞動市場。兩份薪資帶給無數的家庭經濟的利益,不過,卻讓男性得急忙變身成他們太太現在要他們所要的那種成熟的co-parents。 男性的挑戰才剛開始: “In fact, many men are experiencing, for the first time, the conflicting pulls of career and home that have long bedeviled working women. These over-stretched fathers are still getting used to the idea that they’re no longer excused from taking on a wider family role” (19). 事實上,許多男性是第一次經歷這種長久困擾職業婦女的職業與家庭的衝突。這些被過度要求的男性仍然還在適應他們不再有藉口可以不承擔範圍更大的家庭角色。 “And it isn’t just chauffeuring that's required. Fathers need to stimulate their children intellectually and emotionally just as much as mothers do …” (19) [小孩]需要的不只是接送。在知性與感性方面,父親對小孩的刺激程度應與母親相同。 “…being a parent means being responsible for both the material and emotional welfare of your children: this is the new way of Asian fatherhood” (21). 身為家長,就是要為小孩的物質與情感福利負責:這是亞洲父親的新方向。