
source from: http://www.chinapost.com.tw/international/2008/03/03/145343/Elderly-couples.htm  (Mar. 4,  2008)

BIRMINGHAM -- Elderly couples will be able to stay together and not be split up when one partner goes into care, Health Secretary Alan Johnson said on Sunday.


"When a couple have lived all their lives together they should not be forced apart near the end of their lives," Johnson told Labour activists at their spring conference in Birmingham.


"This week (Care Services Minister) Ivan Lewis and I will be setting out plans to enable elderly couples to remain together when one of them has to go in to care.


從這裡可以看出,此篇報導,或者說Gordon Brown的政策取向,在其照顧系統仍在起步階段的實情下(常被視為反對中國傳統家庭價值觀。從政策推動與全民共享的角度,我的確是。因為這樣的家庭價值觀在目前雙薪家庭為主的社會,可說是缺乏時代精神,必須要改變,以免兩性的壓力過大),意在將傳統保守的家庭價值觀重新導入。事實上,如果老伴生病待在家裡,那麼照顧的角色很明顯地就落在另一伴,或者是不需工作的家人身上。這樣的政策,其實忽略了另一伴的體力與身體狀況,因為另一伴不見得有專業的照顧知識,有可能因此而體力負荷不了、受傷(例如,手、腳腕關節受傷、背部拉傷等,這些傷害大部分是來自於沒有照顧知識)、或更嚴重,也生病(如果是真的愛對方,我想,一定也不希望另一伴為了自己而這樣)。












"This will be part of our increasing focus on adult social care."



Charity Help the Aged welcomed the move, saying that too often couples were separated for reasons of administrative and financial convenience.


"If one member of a couple has got complex dementia it is quite costly to keep them together," a spokeswoman said.


She said care services needed to be more flexible and creative in treating the elderly, with more care delivered at their homes.




Johnson also urged family doctors to agree to open their surgeries outside office hours.


He is locked in a dispute with GPs over the proposals, which would require surgeries to open an extra three hours a week either at weekends or in the evening.


Prime Minister Gordon Brown has pledged that half of all surgeries will open longer in 2009 but doctors say there is no evidence that extra opening hours will improve patients' health.


The government is threatening to take money away from GPs and give it to local health authorities unless they sign up to the plan this month.




"People should have more choice over when they are able to see their GP," Johnson said. "I hope that GPs will vote to provide extra appointments at weekends and evenings.







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