註: 這則新聞可以再次讓我們看到北歐人的厲害!不但看到良心負責的企業,也讓我們見識到,這些企業家深刻體會到:「創意,或說先進,來自於『負責任』」。補償 基金的提案,無疑是對自己所造成的污染令其他國家受害負責。在積極承擔國際、社會責任的同時,也會促發相關產業提升其技術,例如,製造更先進、更環保的船 隻。如此,承擔責任等於是推進力,推動自己及相關產業走在思想、世界尖端,引領世界。真是很厲害的思惟!




Danish shipping industry hopes to enter binding agreement at COP15

The Danish shipping industry is ready to enter a specific climate agreement in December when Denmark hosts the UN Climate Change Conference COP15


The Danish Shipowners Association, which represents the Danish shipping industry, is ready to enter a specific climate agreement in December when Denmark hosts the UN Climate Change Conference COP15 in Copenhagen, writes national daily newspaper Berlingske Tidende. The objective is to lower CO2 emissions for the entire industry.

...... 他們的目標是降低整個產業的二氧化碳排放量。

The Association has tabled several proposals including an idea of a compensation fund where a purchase of one ton of oil leads to a charge of USD 25-40. According to Jan Fritz Hansen, deputy director of the Danish Shipowners Association, the benefit of this system is that the compensation will be neutral and apply to all countries and ships as well as reward environmentally friendly ships.

「丹麥船東協會」已經多次提案,包括每購買一噸原油,付補償基金25-40美金。根據副會長Jan Fritz Hansen的說法,這個系統的好處在於,補償金公平的用在所有國家、船隻以及獎勵環保的船隻。

"25-40 dollars per ton will generate an astronomical sum, which for example could be used to build dikes in Bangladesh. It is important to us that the money does not go into various public purses, but are used for specific climate initiatives, and as long as it applies to all countries, it is actually an advantage to us because it benefits the most modern fleets," says Fritz Hansen.


The proposal is supported by shipping associations in the countries that account for 70 per cent of the world's tonnage. For this reason, the deputy director reckons there is good opportunities for the shipping industry entering a binding agreement.






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