
台灣:<綜所稅雙降 520萬戶受惠>


丹麥: <人民願意付更高的稅>


Many want higher taxes as long as it ensures better social services, according to a newspaper poll


Danish residents may pay the highest average income tax in the world, but many of them wouldn’t mind paying more, according to a Gallup poll conducted for Berlingske Tidende newspaper.

根據蓋洛普為《Berlingske Tidende》所做的民調顯示,丹麥人平均繳的所得稅可能是全世界最高的,不過,許多人不介意付更多。

A full 30 percent of those questioned said municipal taxes ought to be raised.

Although neither the specific wording of the questions or context was released by the newspaper, government opposition parties say the result shows a general dissatisfaction with the social welfare system, particularly with regard to child and elderly care.


A Catinet/CEPOS poll in mid-October found that 44 percent of Danes were in favour of tax hikes if it meant keeping the current retirement age and early retirement benefits.


Government majority party The Liberals pointed out that half of the Gallup poll respondents did not want an end to the current tax freeze.


The Economic Council for the Labour Movement estimates the tax freeze costs the nation’s coffers around 5 billion kroner per year.



The Copenhagen Post


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