以下腦神經研究結果(摘要片段)可以說明為何小孩出生後,男性一定要花時間育兒(設置「親職假」的重 要);雖是假設,卻可以在之前瑞典政府社福相關官員(在"Where have all the children gone?"的紀錄片中)曾 提到的實際狀況,得到印證:小孩出生後,花時間育兒的父親,跟小孩的關係良好,即使離婚後,還是能與小孩維繫良好的關係。
What happens when a guy is becoming a father?
The hormone testosterone is going down and the hormone prolactin is going up in the male brain, because he is smelling the pheromones of his pregnant wife. Prolactin is the hormone in females that makes breast milk. We don't know what it's doing in males yet. We assume it has something to do with making the daddy-brain circuits. By the time the baby is born, he's able to hear infant cries much better. So something about his auditory-perceptual system has actually changed. His sex drive has gone down along with his testosterone. Therefore his brain is being primed to be a caretaker. If he doesn't get some alone time [after birth] with the baby, however, the daddy brain won't develop fully.
男性大腦中的睪固酮激素會降低,泌乳激素會提高,因為他聞到懷孕妻子身上的費洛蒙。泌乳激素在女性能夠分泌乳汁。我們至今仍不知道泌乳激素在男性大腦的 作用。我們假設它讓成為父親的腦神經迴路形成。到了嬰兒出生時,他能夠比較容易聽到小嬰兒的哭聲(belle按:這不是說平時聽不到,而是說,會比較敏 感、會care;即使晚上睡覺,也比較不會睡死、完全沒聽到)。如此,他的聽覺系統起了實際的變化。他的性衝動隨著睪固酮降低。因此,他的大腦準備好要當照護者。然而,如果他[在嬰兒出生後]沒有花時間和嬰兒相處, 當爸爸的腦神經迴路就無法完整發展。